Has Fm-Base and its members helped you with FM?

Has Fm-Base and its members helped you with Fm?

  • Yes it has

    Votes: 145 94.2%
  • No it has not

    Votes: 9 5.8%

  • Total voters
I voted yes

I have downloaded a lot of skins, custom databases, shortlists, and tactics :). It's a great place, and there are lots of helpful members, that have advised me with tactics :D
I'd say yes. When I started, I used this site for resources such as skins, updates etc. Which was brilliant.

And then, I became a member, met some really good people and had some really good FM talk aswell as other talks with a lot of guys on this site.

This is pretty much an FM Player's paradise. When the trolls aren't out.
Good to see you setting a fabulous example there JP oO)

I downloaded the 50000 facepack, All of raikans shortlist, the free agents db, Rd4 skin and silky sideways logos
I said yes, I've had a lot of help regarding tactics (but I'm moving onto using my own), kits, logos, databases, challenges and most of all player shortlists (yes you Raikan (K)). So I've been helped quite a bit by members on this site.

However I think FM-Base is more of a help to reasonably competent players rather than complete novices. When new players ask simple questions that everyone knows the answer to, they are often mocked rather than someone providing the answer.
Iam being honest here, FM Base has set out my career to become a reporter/journalist. Over the last year or so ive been thinking of a job which would enjoy and FM Base came to mind and thought about related jobs. So Thanks FM-Base/Members for sorting out my career and almost LIFE !!!
Yes to an extent when I first joined, now I rarely play FM and am just a forum troll.

See JP, I'll admit it unlike Scott ;)
I said yes, I've had a lot of help regarding tactics (but I'm moving onto using my own), kits, logos, databases, challenges and most of all player shortlists (yes you Raikan (K)). So I've been helped quite a bit by members on this site.

However I think FM-Base is more of a help to reasonably competent players rather than complete novices. When new players ask simple questions that everyone knows the answer to, they are often mocked rather than someone providing the answer.

Im considering making a newbie area for FM11, however the problem with most n00bs is that they dont search for the answers before asking their simple questions in a fresh thread, so the chances of them looking at a newbie area.....? Minimal.
I clicked yes, I like all the add-on's such as Logos, player faces and skins.

Also found out about players I never know like Veratti

Also like the tactics on this as sometimes Im stuck for a winning tactic I come on here,

Have no trouble with any other members or mods other then the odd fight about something stupid but that happens everywhere, All in all, Love the site
Yes.This site taught me how to make kits,how to enable the German Team,to delete the stupid xml parsing error.The stories are very interesting and I always try to replicate them :p I voted YES
this site has definately helped me with tatics and kits and training schedules. Its made the game alot more enjoyable for me knowing how to do tactics properly etc
The website has been a big help and I'm glad it has grown the way it has since I first joined.
I've been on a few FM forum sites and FM Base is by far the friendliest and most helpful community.

Have recieved help from several members regarding graphics, tactics and editing. Not to mention the support and feedback I have recieved for my training schedules and challenge of the month competition.

Plus I have found if you don't act like a **** then people here don't treat you like one! ;)
Yup, I don't download tactics, as they ruin a lot of the fun, but I download a lot of kits, editor data's, and the Free Agennts DB, player faces. My first FM forum, and the majority of people are nice
Also, my crash dump was revived, because of a thread on here :)
yes for sure,i used tactis,logos,facepacks from the site and read many good advices...i think that this site is great not only about FM i also read many other funny and interesting stuff and there are many nice guys here :)
Yes to an extent when I first joined, now I rarely play FM and am just a forum troll.

See JP, I'll admit it unlike Scott ;)

i can be a troll, still no need for some stuck up **** to call me a ****. tbh if he wasnt a mod, he would of been infracted, but as he is a mod, he can do what he likes, basically pathetic.

oh well, at least i can say, i aint that much of a ******* ****.

Who is this person redders ;).

Seen my User name?
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I voted yes, the downloadable content is magnificent, the website is run extremely well, the members can be really helpful, and its the best forum ive ever been a member of.