Has Fm-Base and its members helped you with FM?

Has Fm-Base and its members helped you with Fm?

  • Yes it has

    Votes: 145 94.2%
  • No it has not

    Votes: 9 5.8%

  • Total voters
I voted yes.

I'm not the kinda guys who's going to big something up for any one elses benefit. I came onto this site because i was bored at work and thought id have a quick read through the forums. In truth, I'd actually come along players like Marco Verratti and Vaclav Kadlec of my own accord but this sight has been brilliant for suggestions for cheap, quality players (I'm looking at you Raikan). In most sights like these it's just wee arseholes who argue constantly or proper geeky guys who might as well be talking a foreign language and who never want to welcome new members. I've found almost everyone on here to be really friendly and helpful. I think if i was more into the whole facepacks/database download thing then i would like it even more, but I think its good for all level of player: for those who just want to go on and watch their superstars have a kick about to those who want to make the superstars out of players from the youth teams, reserves and diddy teams. The banters always good. And given that i'm an aspiring writer, the whole posting a story thing has been great fun. Altogether a great wee forum.
In most sights like these it's just wee arseholes who argue constantly or proper geeky guys who might as well be talking a foreign language and who never want to welcome new members.
now these are the people who voted no and who have been moaning like little girls... :D
as Healy mentioned above, on the whole, everyone here does try and help people out and alot of work is put into it daily to help the members...
See, I'd love to say 'No Raikan, everyone is entitled to their opinion' and such, but frankly, so far you're right. I've not seen one valid reason for clicking 'No' which is actually a shame. I assume that the purpose of this thread is to gather constructive feedback rather then compliments for the site. Hence why I've tried to point out some of the things I like about it.
I voted yes. I searched 3 or 4 sites before finding this one and I am so glad I did. :D

The moderators are helpful. There are amazing people like Stu and Raikan who add so much to this site whether it is smart logos or amazing shortlists.

JP Woody, a brilliant tactics creator and the man who I like to base my tactics on.

See, I'd love to say 'No Raikan, everyone is entitled to their opinion' and such, but frankly, so far you're right. I've not seen one valid reason for clicking 'No' which is actually a shame. I assume that the purpose of this thread is to gather constructive feedback rather then compliments for the site. Hence why I've tried to point out some of the things I like about it.
exactly ;)
I'm going to say yes, before I used FM-Base I just used a 4-4-2 tactic with Arsenal and nothing was happening. Now, I'm using proper tactics, training schedules so yes FM-Base has helped.
I'm someone who was introduced to football quite late in my teens. I still play rec league now but it's not the same as getting taught the fundamentals and tactics at an early age. FM-base has actually helped me understand the tactics on a pitch better IRL and why they work, along with things like why you play with width on a narrow pitch and why you play narrow on a wide pitch. This site and Zonalmarking are great for understanding tactical and positional concepts.

Raikan's bargain bin thread is awesome. Do more with less
heck yes it has! only bad thing it takes time from my studies :(
I wont lie. YES the site has helped myself personally with the in-depth stuff of football manager. I used to rape the site of its downloads and such before becoming a premium member. The site has helped me more tactically over the last couple of years. People like JP woody have been helpful with their tactics they have created and given alot of insight into it.

My only annoyance with the site is when you put a valid point across on a discussion thread it is the idiots who continually have to turn it into an argument so the thread eventually gets closed.

I might have had disagreements with mods with things I have said in the past but in general they do a good job and try their best to keep the site under control so try not to critcise them through a thread but PM them instead to argue your point across.
I voted yes and i need help atm 'How can i open up steam community once in game cus when i press shift+and one above caps lock it doesn't work until i turn my computer off does any1 have any help plzz
this site is spectacular, well run, all that stuff. i could give an essay on all the things i love but that'd take too long. congratulations to everyone whos puts in an effort
I would say that the members have been very helpful, but the only drawback of this site is that is a bit annoying when your thread gets closed
I would say that the members have been very helpful, but the only drawback of this site is that is a bit annoying when your thread gets closed
just make sure that you have at least searched before you do then pal and im sure the mods wont (as per the fact you would most probably find what it is your are looking for).... :D
I would say that FM-base is a very useful and helpful site, especially for more of the newer members. Personally I have never used it to ask about tactics and shortlists etc as I believe that you are no longer playing your own game. The beauty of FM is to do what you in a way you want to. However I don't blame anyone who has used shortlists or tactics as some people want help to be successful. I think it is a very good forum for answering questions and also discussing RL events as well as your FM game. Obviously downloading all the content is a huge help and is of very good quality. So I voted an emphatic YES.
I would say that FM-base is a very useful and helpful site, especially for more of the newer members. Personally I have never used it to ask about tactics and shortlists etc as I believe that you are no longer playing your own game. The beauty of FM is to do what you in a way you want to. However I don't blame anyone who has used shortlists or tactics as some people want help to be successful. I think it is a very good forum for answering questions and also discussing RL events as well as your FM game. Obviously downloading all the content is a huge help and is of very good quality. So I voted an emphatic YES.
well said mate, well said :wub:
I say yes the Mods are very helpful, the graphics team do a great jobs on kits, logo, face packs and everyone is willing to help in creating new databases for people to try so the site is very good

I just hope when FM11 comes out you can move your graphics & stuff across from FM 2010 to FM 2011 like we done from FM 2009 to FM 2010 and not spend hours download it again
Well, I have used the site enough to give proper feedback :)

I haven't downloaded too much because I am not too much of a customizer. I did get a few useful shortlists initially, but I don't think I have used them too much. Where this site really shines is in the help and tips department. Sure, IMO this site lacks in-depth and detailed analysis of the kind that the SI forums or FM Britain does, but it has a lot of help and tips. As a newcomer, I learned a lot from this place. And I get the fastest answers here.

Plus, it is easier to find the threads that might be of interest to you, because of the no-nonsense closing of duplicate threads. Of course, this also has a negative side sometimes, but as I have already bitched about it on the 'Site Improvement Suggestions', there is no need to repeat it here.

In sum, this site is a great place to get hints, tips and downloads. And I am discovering the general Football stuff as well. So I vote a resounding YES!
Very occasionally it has helped. I always prefer to find out for myself :)