Who's going to Uni next year?

hoping to all being well, to study environmental forensics. (hopefully not as boring as it sounds)

Anyone else going to Bournemouth Uni?....

*watches tumble weed float past*
Whereever you go it is what you make of it. I wanted to go to manchester uni to study financial econometrics but went the UEA and had the best time ever and studied (sic) Economics and Maths.

good luck!
I must've changed my mind about 100 times deciding where to apply to. Finally decided to apply for Cambridge (which is why I've had to decide this early) so my personal statement has been sent away now. Suppose I'll just have to wait and see if I get an interview!
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I must've changed my mind about 100 times deciding where to apply to. Finally decided to apply for Oxford (which is why I've had to decide this early) so my personal statement has been sent away now. Suppose I'll just have to wait and see if I get an interview!

You must be pretty smart to be going to Oxford. I'm only in S3 but I realistically see myself going to Harvard. <)
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You must be pretty smart to be going to Oxford. I'm only in S3 but I realistically see myself going to Harvard.

Haha I'm only applying at the moment, it's unlikely I'll get in. But it's worth a shot anyway! Good luck with Harvard in the future.
hoping to all being well, to study environmental forensics. (hopefully not as boring as it sounds)

Anyone else going to Bournemouth Uni?....

*watches tumble weed float past*

Not uni there, but I live there ;)
Interview for Imperial on the 22nd :D

Not exactly sure what to expect, or what to wear for that matter!

Glasgow uni gave me an unconditional so it's nice to know I've got an offer now :)
UCAS sent off on thursday.
Nervous now.
Uni's i've applied for are **** cos i ****** up last year...
UCAS sent off on thursday.
Nervous now.
Uni's i've applied for are **** cos i ****** up last year...

Don't be nervous yet, UCAS shuts from tomorrow 'til about the 5th of Jan. :)

Got a conditional offer from Imperial, they want A1 A1 A so that's not looking too promising. ****** the Cambridge interview up something awful so doubt I'll get an offer. Hoping to go to Edinburgh, so it would be nice if they gave me a cheeky wee unconditional soon...
1st year of sixth form atm, I was planning to take a gap year but due to the uni fees rising I might not take a gap year to avoid the rise. Might go somewhere up north so it will be easier to get to united games but tbh I might not go to uni because my attitude towards learning is pretty poor atm.
Haven't got my reference from my tutor because the useless ******* was ill on the day he was meant to give it back to me. I guess I'll sort all my other UCAS stuff then scrape it in before the deadline on the 15th.
I actually didn't realise so many people we so young on here, everyone seems so mature lol.
I should be going to uni in September but i've decided not to go because I don't want to be riddled with debt. I'm doing a funded accounting apprenticeship instead, hopefully that'll work out good.
On uni's though, i've heard that Bristol and Aberyswyth (can't spelll it) are very good for night life and that, I don't know results wise, I think uni is what you make of it, you can either choose to work and do well or get drunk every day and **** it away tbh
I got 5 replies back simply saying they had received my choice.... Still no decisions on them yet =(

I have a few years yet until i have to apply.

The only thing is that at the end of the year i will be going into my final year (Y11) and my school decides to merge with our rival school. There will be so many fights etc. and that will really disrupt the learning.
Me until May. Then hopefully not after that, as Im in my final year.

Not even close to any re takes at the moment, but who knows what the future may bring ay...
I've got offers to do

Sociology - Warwick - BBB
Sociology + Anthropology - Oxford Brookes - BBC
Sociology - Portsmouth - BCC

and I have also applied for

Sociology - Winchester - BCC
Sociology + Criminology - Royal Holloway - BBB