Embarrassing Drunken Moments

Oh tell me about it, best night of my life ;)
I remember early last year on a night out (Onyx in Middlesbrough) Becky was stood in a corridor sidestepping to let someone past. She must have done it about 4 or 5 times just for the other person to go the same way each time....Turns out she was looking at her own reflection in the mirror and didn't realise until I told her :D

Also a few years ago when I still used to drink I got rather drunk one night and me and a friend went back to some girls house. But all I remember was throwing up in the bathroom and getting a taxi home and then having a sleep on the drive.
Was at a house party and I noticed there was a girl giving me looks all night, she was hot and eventually plucked up the courage to go and give her a chat, we got chatting and some time after she asked me upstairs to the bedrooms, we were walking up the stairs and just on the landing the lights went out, she said "Oh no, im scared of the dark" and i stupidly said "all the better to rape you then". I don't know why i said it but needless to say there was an awkward silence and it was really embarrassing for me. I get reminded of this quite a lot now as my best mate is dating her.

Nearly ****** my pants at this oneeee XDXDXD
That is a good one. Youd think it would be awkward for your mate tho.
Was at a house party and I noticed there was a girl giving me looks all night, she was hot and eventually plucked up the courage to go and give her a chat, we got chatting and some time after she asked me upstairs to the bedrooms, we were walking up the stairs and just on the landing the lights went out, she said "Oh no, im scared of the dark" and i stupidly said "all the better to rape you then". I don't know why i said it but needless to say there was an awkward silence and it was really embarrassing for me. I get reminded of this quite a lot now as my best mate is dating her.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

This is awesome. Sounds like something I'd say. In fact, if the opportunity ever arises I am stealing this.
This is not really a drunken moment or that embarrasing for me but thought it was funny. Me and a guy I work eith were standing in the carpark talking. A nice burd got a out a car across from us so as you do were had a good look. Her boyfriend got out aswell and saw us looking and startded giving us growlers. So I just said take it as a compliments your burds gorjus. He replied shes not my burd shes my sister.
This is not really a drunken moment or that embarrasing for me but thought it was funny. Me and a guy I work eith were standing in the carpark talking. A nice burd got a out a car across from us so as you do were had a good look. Her boyfriend got out aswell and saw us looking and startded giving us growlers. So I just said take it as a compliments your burds gorjus. He replied shes not my burd shes my sister.

You should've been like: Can I have a poke at her then?

Anyway, any reason you spell 'burd' in that way?
The first of the 18ths last march thought it would be brillant to drink a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 [You scottish will know what that is] followed by a few jagermeisters and proceeded to break dance and now this year his 19th will be focused on me break dancing again. However when I say break dancing I mean lying on the floor moving slightly followed by singing the Fifa'99 theme tune "Rockafella *****" - Fatboy Slim. Which I'll gladly do although it will be a bottle of the finest "tonic wine" [buckfast]
oh well mine aint that bad but i started drinking like when i was 20 and the first time i drank i went for like 6 full glasses of smirnoff vodka plus a joint went mental tht night very hyper dancing around running around and well there was a girl i kinda liked was first time i saw her we were over the main bridge in cairo ( it goes between buildings and stuff)i really had to pee and the traffic was loaded so i made my friend stop the car got out got to the side and peed off the bridge and well one man on the street looked at me and said something i think was swearing but cant remember just smiled and looked away then turned around saw tht girl , my younger bro and two of his friends staring at me and oh well luckilyfor me yeah my bro took pics alsooo by the time i got back to the car the bridge was empty but as we were in the narrow part my friend gave the flasher and it was packing behind us ppl honking and staring :D
This is about one of my mates, We was at a party everyone was either ****** or stoned, so this girl comes up to him and kicks him in the shink lightly and hes normally one the harder one out of my group but he burts out crying and dont stop for about an hour until she says sorry, never let him live that one down
I was around 16 we were up the park drinking(Getting mad wae it as wed say up here) one of my mates had went to the closest shop which wasnt in our area. Anyway we looked over to see my mate surrounded by about 10 or 15 boys cant remember much but I remember we chased the right down tio wallacewell but some how i ended up amongs them shaking their hands like awrite guys how ye doin. They were saying they only wanted to cut through to go to milton so were like fair enough but the have to walk round the edge. Anyway we walked them back up a bit then about another 20 of them flanked us from the side just as we were about to go into the park. Most of us ran through the gate but it was only a singe gate so I got cut off against the fence which had spikes on it so i thought i dont want to try and climb it then they grab me so i just stood them.Just thought **** it do or die so just took my hood down and started shouting ******* moan then who wants some u know that kind of stuff. One of them just missed me with a big brick then he swang a golf club at me i blocked it with my arm (hurt like **** and still hurts if i lift anything too heavy or put too much pressure on it) countered him with a jab jab hook combo they all sort of backed off then I sae i guy come at me with a big kitchen knife but just as he was about a meter away from me he started getting pelted with bricks and bottles from my mates behing the fence giving me the chance to run through the gate. Other than that all I remember from that night is being covered in mud when I got home.
This is about one of my mates, We was at a party everyone was either ****** or stoned, so this girl comes up to him and kicks him in the shink lightly and hes normally one the harder one out of my group but he burts out crying and dont stop for about an hour until she says sorry, never let him live that one down

Yes, sure it was your mate <):D(6)
Insisting on trying to pull my pal's mum when she tried to chuck us out of their house after a party.

Never have I since managed to look her in the eye, and I've also sworn not to drink for a long long time :)
Insisting on trying to pull my pal's mum when she tried to chuck us out of their house after a party.

Never have I since managed to look her in the eye, and I've also sworn not to drink for a long long time :)

How did your mate take that?
Im 13 and when it was my 13th birthday it happened to be a friday and a couple of people were going getting drunk that night so I thought, **** it lets join them (with some more of my mates) so there is about 30 of us out on the park getting drunk lmao. I get really drunk I don't remember what I drunk or how I got it because I know I didnt buy it but somebody did. Then we're just all sat on the park messing around I could barely stand and stuff and then police just walk onto the park. We all ran away and stuff and me and a mate legged it across a field he was drunk but not as much as me :S and we try to jump over a wall. He jumps over the wall .... I jump into it. I then climb over it and I ended up sleeping at my mates that night. Not a funny one or embarrasing just a moment
That reminds me of one. Ws around 15 or 16 in the park getting drunk. The police come we split up me n about 5 of my mates run together. We end up coming to a big wall. One of my mates just goes **** it Im not climbing that and walked back along. The rest of us struggle to hoist each other up and get over but when we do my other mate is standing there waiting for us.
That reminds me of one. Ws around 15 or 16 in the park getting drunk. The police come we split up me n about 5 of my mates run together. We end up coming to a big wall. One of my mates just goes **** it Im not climbing that and walked back along. The rest of us struggle to hoist each other up and get over but when we do my other mate is standing there waiting for us.
I'd love to know why he waited because he gained no advantage on you and the rest of your mates