What trainning and match prep are you using??

I'm using the same as the one on Sir Goalalot tactic. Just take a look in the OP there. It will be a picture of pre-season training and during season training. Working great.

Here is the pictures btw. The one picture with team cohesion is pre-season and the one with balanced is during season.
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For any tactic I use Balanced on Average and either Attacking Movement or Defensive Positioning depending on the opposition (and a mid-way schedule). As long as there is good rotation in your squad I don't use fitness (ever).
Hmm, it looks like the OI before games changes from game to game and I have make sure the assistant manager is not doing it. Any ideas? Is it because of the opponents playing different formations? The OI's are the same on the players, but sometimes 9 players gets OI's and sometimes 6.
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May I have the download link for V3 pleasE.
don't use v3, use v4, v4 is BETTER

you can use the EXACT same players in v4 that you'd use in v3, stop thinking it matters if it's AML AMR or ML MR

v4 is better, i don't understand you people

I've updated OP and added this support tactic. The base tactic can be easily transformer into it.

Use this tactic if you start losing or draw after 1st half against teams you are supposed to win.

Download the tactic - TFF_4-4-2_Plug&Play_V1.tac

Which version of the most successful friends.
Tactics are constantly update.
If you have please share.
Thanks ... TotalFootballFan9))))